
it's Sam from SB Creatives Photography here.....

On the 27th of June, I had the distinct pleasure of being the photographer for the 10x10 philanthropy event held at MinterEllison in Sydney. This event was a remarkable blend of philanthropy, community spirit, and innovative ideas, featuring charities such as Success Works, Plate It Forward, and One & All. The evening was infused with energy, hope, and a sense of purpose, all set against the backdrop of a shark tank style presentation.

From the moment I arrived at MinterEllison, I could sense the buzz of anticipation in the air. The sleek, modern venue was filled with a diverse group of people united by a common goal: to support and uplift the community through meaningful initiatives. My task was to capture the essence of the evening, ensuring that each moment, each interaction, was immortalised through my lens.

One of the highlights of the night was the presentations by three outstanding charities:

-Success Works: This organisation is dedicated to breaking the cycle of reoffending by providing employment opportunities to individuals with a criminal record. Their presentation was both moving and inspiring, highlighting real stories of transformation and hope.


- Plate It Forward: An innovative initiative aimed at addressing food insecurity and unemployment, Plate It Forward creates job opportunities within the hospitality industry while ensuring that vulnerable communities have access to nutritious meals. The passion and dedication of the team were palpable as they shared their journey.


- One & All: As a volunteer and someone who works with One & All, I have seen firsthand the incredible work they do in promoting social inclusion and supporting individuals with disabilities. Their presentation was a testament to their unwavering commitment to making a positive impact.

The shark tank style format added an exciting dynamic to the evening. Each charity had the opportunity to pitch their projects to a potential investor. It was thrilling to capture the intensity and enthusiasm as presenters made their case, hoping to secure the support needed to further their missions.

As the pitches unfolded, I focused on capturing the expressions of the audience and the panel, the moments of applause, and the heartfelt exchanges that followed each presentation. These candid shots are often the most telling, revealing the genuine emotions and connections forged during such events.

Throughout the evening, I was reminded of the power of community and the incredible impact that can be achieved when people come together for a common cause. The interactions, the conversations, and the shared experiences all contributed to a sense of unity and purpose that was truly inspiring.

Being the photographer at the 10x10 philanthropy event was not just about taking pictures; it was about telling a story. A story of hope, of resilience, and of the relentless pursuit of a better world. Each click of the shutter was a reminder of the incredible work being done by organisations like Success Works, Plate It Forward, and One & All, and the importance of supporting these efforts.

As I reviewed the photos later, I was struck by the myriad of emotions captured in each frame – joy, determination, empathy, and hope. It was a privilege to document such a significant event, and I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the narrative of positive change in our community.

In the end, events like 10x10 serve as a powerful reminder that we all have a role to play in building a more inclusive and compassionate society. And as a photographer, I am honoured to capture these moments, one frame at a time.

Until Next Time...

Sam Babus

Founder and Photographer at SB Creatives Photography